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Bobby Lashley defeated Davey Richards Before the match, Lashley reminds us that Davey returned last night and prevented him from winning...

TNA One Night Only PPV Results (1/6/2017): Orlando, Florida

Bobby Lashley defeated Davey Richards
Before the match, Lashley reminds us that Davey returned last night and prevented him from winning the World Championship. He claimed that Eddie is avoiding him but he gets the next best thing, Davey Richards.
Lashley jumped Richards to start the match. This was Richards' first match back after suffering an ACL injury a year ago. Richards made a brief comeback and went for a handspring back elbow but Lashley caught him in the torture rack. Richards gained the advantage and hit three awesome suicide dives, rolling through on the last one. Lashley and Richards fought on the side of the ring until Lashley gave Davey an intense looking powerslam on the apron. Richards locked on an ankle lock, but Lashley fought off. He went for a spear but his leg gave out. Richards locked on the ankle lock again, however Lashley countered into an armbar for the submission win.
X Division Champion DJ Z defeated Andrew Everett, Braxton Sutter, and Trevor Lee in a four-way elimination match to retain his title
The match started off with DJ Z and Sutter working together against Lee and Everett. Sutter and DJ Z cleared the ring and went one-on-one. DJ Z went for the ZDT on Lee, but he threw him off and DJ Z rolled up Everett to eliminate him from the match. Lee knocked out DJ Z on the floor and worked over Sutter in the ring. Sutter blocked a ZDT attempt but Lee rocked Sutter with a knee and rolled him up for the next elimination. The final two are Lee and DJ Z. Lee was in control of the match until DJ Z hit the ZDT to retain the X Division Championship.
- Backstage, Davey and Eddie were talking. Richards was upset because he lost his match earlier and feels like he’s just a sidekick to Edwards. Edwards calmed him down and had something to tell him.
Bram defeated Robbie E
Robbie came out and made an open challenge to anyone in The DCC. Bram came out alone to accept the challenge but decided he wants the night off. Robbie E jumped off the top onto Bram to start the match. Bram took over and dominated a majority of the match. Bram hit move after move but Robbie kept kicking out, which frustrated Bram. Bram hit a low blow and followed up with the Brighter Side of Suffering to win the match.
- Jeremy Borash interviewed Mike Bennett and Maria. Bennett said Moose only retained the title last night because of crooked judges. He promised tonight will be different.
Moose defeated “The Miracle” Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis in a no holds barred match
This match is not for the Impact Grand Championship. Moose put Bennett on a ladder that was wedged between the ring and guardrail. Moose missed a flip dive and crashed on the ladder. Moose made a comeback and set the ladder up in the corner. Bennett charged at Moose, but he backdropped Bennett into the ladder. Bennett tried to powerbomb Moose off the stairs onto a table but Moose countered into a backdrop sending Bennett through the table.
Moose set up a table in the ring. He ran up the turnbuckles and leaped off the top, but Bennett gave him a cutter through the table. Moose made a comeback and had the match won but Maria broke up the count. Bennett tired to spear Moose but he moved and Bennett speared Maria instead. Moose hit the Game Changer to score the win in a really good match.
- Backstage, Eli Drake revealed that his mystery partner to face the Broken Hardys is “The Fixer” Tyrus.
Mahabali Shera defeated Marshe Rocket
Before the match, Marshe Rocket said he’s the hottest commodity in TNA and he promises this is going to be his year. Marshe was in control of the match until Shera made a comeback and hit the Sky High to win the match.
- TNA Hall of Famer Gail Kim made her way to the ring. She is here to answer questions about her possible retirement. She’s not medically cleared to wrestle but she will be back to regain her Knockouts Championship. This brought out Knockouts Champion Rosemary. Rosemary and Gail had a brief confrontation but referees quickly broke it up.
Knockouts Champion Rosemary defeated Sienna to retain her title
They fought on the ramp to start the match. Rosemary bit Sienna on the face but Sienna gained control with a Samoan drop. Sienna hit the Silencer but it sent Rosemary to the outside. Sienna pushed the referee out of the way and Rosemary spit the mist in Sienna eyes. Rosemary hit the Red Wedding to retain the Knockouts Championship.
James Storm w/ The DCC defeated Jesse Godderz
Jesse had the brief advantage in the match until Storm took over. Bram and Eddie Kingston interfered constantly in the match. Godderz started to build up momentum and knocked down both Bram and Kingston. Godderz locked on the Boston crab and Kingston and Bram tried to interfere but he fought them off. Storm caught Godderz with the Last Call superkick to score the win. Suddenly, the lights went out and Decay appeared in the ring. They spit mist in the eyes of Storm and Bram then double teamed Kingston.
- Jeremy Borash interviewed Ethan Carter III about his upcoming title shot against Eddie Edwards. He promised to win the championship tonight.
TNA World Tag Team Champions The Broken Hardys defeated Eli Drake & “The Fixer” Tyrus to retain their titles
Before the match, Broken Matt said The Hardys are on an odyssey to become the greatest team in all of space and time. He called his opponents the L.O.D., which stands for Legion of Dummies. Tyrus threw his shirt at The Pope before the match. Matt bit Eli’s finger to gain the early advantage in the match. Tyrus tagged in and worked over Jeff. Matt got the hot tag and ran wild until Tyrus cut him off.
Eli demanded to be tagged in and went for a Twist of Fate but Matt pushed him into Tyrus. Matt and Jeff both hit the Twist of Fate on Eli and Jeff followed up with a swanton. Matt scored the win to retain the Tag Championship.
- J.B. interviewed Eddie Edwards before the match. He promised to retain the title to prove who is the true champion and there will be no controversy.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards defeated Ethan Carter III to retain his title
Josh and The Pope pointed out that if EC3 loses, that’ll mean he lost two title matches in 24 hours. Lashley watched the match from ringside. Edwards dropped EC3 back first on the apron and worked over the injured back from last night. Lashley grabbed Edwards' leg and the referee went out to yell at Lashley. Edwards hit a suicide dive taking out both Lashley and the referee.
EC3 hit a hangman’s One Percenter but there was no referee to make the count. Lashley entered the ring and handed a chair to EC3 but EC3 threw it away and flipped him off. Lashley speared EC3 and brought the chair back in. Lashley went to hit EC3 with the chair but Davey Richards ran out, took the chair from Lashley, and accidentally hit EC3 with it. Edwards hits the Boston Knee Party to win the match.