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 For those wondering, Kevin Owens "quitting" Raw last night is indeed part of a storyline even though WWE . com has moved ...

Kurt Angle Return Update. Kevin Owens Quits WWE Storyline Update

 For those wondering, Kevin Owens "quitting" Raw last night is indeed part of a storyline even though WWE.comhas moved his profile over to the alumni section as part of the angle. In reality, Owens has recently re-signed a new contract with WWE and isn't going anywhere.
-- Kurt Angle was also reportedly backstage at the events in Toronto and is set to return to WWE TV imminently. As noted before, he is actually in training in preparation for a return to the ring, likely for a series of matches but not for a full-time return. The rumored program WWE has in mind for Angle is to see him return to wrestle Baron Corbin.