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Live Sunday evening show from Rochester N.Y. Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss & Alicia Fox Crowd was hot for Sasha i...

WWE Live Event Results (8/26/18) - Rochester, NY

Live Sunday evening show from Rochester N.Y.
Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss & Alicia Fox
Crowd was hot for Sasha in the opener. Alexa had good heat. Bayley was worked over pretty well. Went to tag Sasha but Banks was knocked off apron. Bayley then surprised Bliss with a rollup for the win.
Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin
Finn got a decent reaction. Lots of lady screams. Baron got his share of boos. Quick back and forth action with Finn winning by small package. Baron grabbed a microphone. Corbin stated since he is Raw GM now he has tons of power and said he could even restart the match. With the match restarted, Corbin hit the End of Days on Finn and picked up a tainted victory.
Lights get turned down as Ring crew set up Elias in the ring. Crowd was eating Elias up, then booing once Elias turned on the crowd. Bobby Lashley comes out. Gets the crowd ready to sing along. Elias says he going to sing "Knockin on Heaven's door" which Elias knocked out of the park. He sounded great! Lashley was pumping crowd up, when Elias sneak attacked him. Lashley turned the tables and hit a nasty stalling suplex. Great segment.
Raw Tag Title Triple Threat Match
The B-Team vs. The Revival vs. Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt
Crowd chanted Delete alot and got phones out for Bray during their entrance. Revival got little reaction, while B-Team got the crowd going with their Go-Go-Go chants. Standard triple threat with Matt being in the match quite a bit despite recent injury rumors. The B-Team retains, snatching victory away from Bray at the last second. Bray seemed legitimately bummed. Hardy consoled him with a hug to the applause of the crowd.
Tyler Breeze vs. Akam w/ Rezar
Quick match. Breeze got a superkick in but fell to a powerslam in short order.
Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre
Dolph and Drew are out first to a course of boos. Seth and Dean both had two of the biggest pops of the night with Dean's being the loudest. Awesome tag match. Words don't do it justice. Started out with Seth and Dolph. Seth started hot then got cut off and worked over. Dean got the hot tag and tore the place down. Dean got wore down a little and Seth got the hot tag this time. Referee lost control with action everywhere. Dean got a nasty Dirty Deeds and Seth hit the Curb Stomp on Dolph for the win. Seth made a young female fan's night by talking to her. She was on the verge of tears as she walked by me.
8-Man Tag Match
No Way Jose, Heath Slater, Rhyno and Zack Ryder vs. The Ascention, Mike Bennett and Curt Hawkins
Pretty basic match as people still were filing back to their seats. Lots of ECW chants of Rhyno. Ryder worked alot of the babyface side of the match. Eventual breakdown of the match saw one superstar after another get hit by big move after big move with No Way Jose hitting a big Knockout Punch on Curt Hawkins for the victory.
Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh vs. Bobby Roode
Bobby wore a Local Rochester team Jersey under his robe. Had "Roode" sowed on back of his Jersey so he seemed legit in his butt kissing. Mahal had his usual heat. Decent back and forth action with Roode getting the victory with the Glorious DDT. Jinder seemed poised to win with outside interference from his minion Sunil, but was outsmarted by Bobby in the end.
6-Women Tag Match
The Riott Squad vs Ember Moon & The Bella Twins
Crowd was sitting on their hands for Riott Squad's entrance. Ember got a OK reaction. Place came unglued for the surprise Bella Twins. Brie worked a good portion of the match doing her Brie Mode gimmick and stealing her Hubby's Yes Kicks. Nicki win by hitting Rack Attack 2.0 on Liv Morgan for the win. Bella's had the crowd the entire time.
WWE Universal Title Match
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman
Crowd was 60/40 in favor of Roman. Braun got a good amount of cheers. Short back and forth match. Roman hit a couple of Superman Punches. Action spilled outside. Braun hit Roman good with the ring steps. The Referee counted to 10. Crowd BOO'd that ending. Back inside the ring, Braun hit his Running Powerslam on Roman and then hopped outside. Braun pulled a table out from under the ring. Braun set the table against the corner in the ring. Roman speared Braun through the table. Roman celebrated for a bit. Braun got up eventually and acted angry the match turned out that way.