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Pentagon Jr. and Kenny Omega took each other to the max at All In. After a fantastic matchup that could have gone either way, Penta fin...

Chris Jericho attacks Kenny Omega at ALL IN

Pentagon Jr. and Kenny Omega took each other to the max at All In. After a fantastic matchup that could have gone either way, Penta finally took a One-Winged Angel and lost the match.

Then at the very end, in the middle of Omega’s music, the building went black and then Penta sprung up and started beating Omega down.
There was something different about Penta after the lights went back up because his tattoos were much different. Suddenly, it was revealed that Chris Jericho was wearing a Penta mask.
Jericho took the mic and said he’ll see Omega at the Jericho Cruise, and then on his way out of the building, Y2J pushed the announce table and sent Don Callis to the floor.
The crowd was excited to see Jericho for sure and this seemingly means Jericho appeared at an event in the USA that had nothing to do with WWE.